Monday, February 28, 2011


Ok so, I realize failure at this blog thing is happening. How did life get so busy that it's so hard to just sit down for 10 minutes and update this??! Well, here goes.... my life is pretty amazing. Our God is so gracious, wonderful, and breath-takingly awesome that I can't really put it into words. How did I walk into this life? I have not just one, but two more precious than anything angel babies. Every time I look into their little faces I see God's glory. I am married to man who is after God's own heart, and who is still and always my very best friend. We just celebrated 7 years of marriage. (That is just so cool!) ;) I can't wait till we can say 25 years, 50 years....basically I just really love this man! Will is going to be 4 in 3 short months!! How, oh how has my baby boy grown so quickly??! I love his crazy words for things and the seemingly endless things he learns every day. Leave it to a 3 year old to make you look at every single thing around you differently. "Momma, did God make that sunshine rise to love me?" Yes, baby, God loves us every minute of every day. Thank you Jesus for putting this precious boy in my life to be a constant reminder of Your love! Our little Brookie turned 1 in November. She is the sweetest, silliest little girl I have ever had the pleasure of loving. Her antics have me laughing every day. She has this built in knowledge of what will make us laugh and lives to act it out. Whether it be putting her brothers undies on her head (from the clean laundry basket), dancing, or her raised eyebrow smooches, she is quite the little character. I love her more than I knew possible. God is amazing! He knows exactly what we need and His timing is perfect! He has given me more than I could have ever dreamed of asking for myself. Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow!
I will post new pics soon!